Saturday, February 2, 2013

Under God's protection

 "God stilled me in the midst of the storm"
Update and testimony by Mike Evans
Jerusalem Prayer Team
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"When Christ appeared to me at eleven years of age and said, “I love you, son, and have a great plan for your life,” He stilled me in the midst of my storm. I would remain in the house of an abusive, Jew-hating father for another five and one-half years. Sometimes, God stills the storm; most times He stills us in the midst of the storm.
In serving the Lord for more than fifty years, I’ve learned that to have His affirmation requires radical forgiveness, generosity, humility, and obedience. The majority of the great miracles in my life happened in war zones—Saudi Arabia where I was threatened with decapitation for preaching the Gospel; in Somalia where al Qaeda terrorists attempted to kill me on the same day the Blackhawk helicopter was shot down; in Beirut, Lebanon, where more than 240 Marines were killed a few hours after I preached the Gospel and distributed Bibles to them; and in Israel with missiles flying over my head and people running through the streets to bomb shelters, and the Spirit of God saying to me, “Don’t run.” Even one year on my birthday, June 30, a terrorist headed for my home to kill me, having already murdered two people—one of them a state trooper, according to the ATF agent who called to tell me the news.

Your war zone may be unsaved loved ones or forgiving a person to whom you gave your heart and who has now slandered you. I want to encourage you that if you are struggling, broken-hearted, have a bad report from your doctor, have a situation with your child that doesn’t seem favorable, are depressed to the core of your soul, or can’t feel God’s favor, know this: you are not one-in-a-million; you are one in seven billion!

My book, Living in the F.O.G., was written to help you see this truth clearly. Living in the F.O.G. (Favor of God), is not about what you can get from God, but what you can give to God: “You, God, created absolutely everything…and it is for Your pleasure that they exist and were created” (Revelation 4:11, NLT).

And I encourage you today to join with me in defending the Jewish people from the awful threats they face. We must stand for Israel now more than ever. We received an amazing miracle to complete the purchase of the Jerusalem World Center. God greatly blessed, and so many friends gave generously and sacrificially so that we could make the payments on this beautiful five-story building. We give thanks to God for you and all those who gave to make this miracle a reality. But the building is simply a means to an end. It is not an outreach; it only enables us to do outreach.

After months of research, interviews, prayers, and seeking God’s direction, we signed a contract with Disk-In Pro, a leading Israeli hi-tech company, for the Christian Zionist Heritage Center. Disk-In Pro has done some of the most advanced and cutting-edge interactive displays and museums in the world, and we are working with them to bring the stories of Christian love to life for generations of Jewish people.

However, we now must make the first payment on their work as required by the contract. We have just received the invoice for $450,000. Our income this month is down more than fifty percent. We know that people care—but there is a sense that we have completed our work, and the task is done. But while we won a great victory, our work is far from done. We must continue to go forward. For twenty days, I am on a Daniel fast for this breakthrough. If you are led to join me for a day or a meal, I would be grateful. And I am writing today to ask for your help in making this payment so that the work on the Christian Zionist Heritage Center can continue.
See this update from Dr.Evans on the Christian Zionist Heritage Center

When you send your gift of $30 or more, we will send you a copy of my brand new book Living in the F.O.G.
I wrote this book to share the keys of receiving a miraculous measure of God’s favor and blessing. If you learn these principles and put them into practice, it will transform your life! If you are able to send a gift of $80 or more, we will send you an autographed hardback copy.       
If you are able to send a gift of $100 or more, we will send you this beautiful “For such a time as this” chenille throw.
This lovely piece features the text of Esther 4:14 and is a wonderful way to share your love and support of Israel and the Jewish people with everyone who sees it.       
We are excited about what will be accomplished through the Christian Zionist Heritage Center, but in order for it become a reality, we must quickly raise the funds so that the programming and design work can be done, and we can begin telling these wonderful stories. Please be as generous as you can when you send your gift today.

Your gift of support for the Jerusalem Prayer Team as we stand with and for Israel and the Jewish people is your personal act of love and kindness to bless God’s Chosen People. Your gift today makes it possible for this great worldwide prayer movement to continue at this crucial and prophetic moment in history.

Modeh ani l’faneykha, melekh chai vekayam; rabbah emunatekha.

I thank you, living and eternal King; great is your faithfulness.
Your ambassador to Jerusalem,
Dr. Mike Evans"

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