Saturday, December 15, 2012

"I am believing God for a miracle this morning"

  In Jerusalem- update  by Mike Evans
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Jerusalem Prayer Team

"I am up early again this morning, praying and asking God for a miracle. The nation of Israel is very worried. Egypt is becoming a radical Islamic anti-Israel state. Syria is in civil war with WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) being moved out of storage that could fall into the hands of terrorists. Iran is weeks away from passing the atomic threshold. If there ever was a time when Bible-believing Christians were needed to comfort Israel, it is now. When I looked into the faces of elderly impoverished Jews with concentration camp numbers on their arms, it broke my heart. We must stand with them and help them.
Will you join me right now in prayer that the Spirit of God will move in the heart of every Jerusalem Prayer Team member right now to give a special birthday gift to our Lord just as the wise men did? Every demon in Hell is fighting against us because in just a few days, the first major property in Jerusalem to be owned by Bible-believing Christians—within walking distance of the Temple Mount—will become a reality…if we make this last payment.

Please, please join me in prayer right now that the light will burst forth and destroy the darkness. Ask God’s favor and blessing on every Jerusalem Prayer Team member who stands with us in this great cause. We need a miracle this month. Will you be part of the miracle with your gift today?

The Holy City is celebrating Hanukkah this week. I am here to fast and pray for a miracle provision from God so that we can complete the purchase of the Jerusalem World Center. I urgently need your help right now to make the final payment on this amazing facility. This beautiful building will be the largest property in the nation of Israel to be owned by US Bible-believers. It will be the first Christian museum in the nation to tell the story of Christian love, such as that of Corrie ten Boom's family in Haarlem, Holland. Their home was purchased in 1987 and restored in 1988 and is open today because of the Jerusalem Prayer Team and friends like you. I serve as chairman of the board.

In addition, this wonderful building in Jerusalem will be the headquarters for the Jerusalem Prayer Team worldwide. It will provide round-the-clock prayer for Jerusalem and the Jewish people in fulfillment of prophecy, and it will be the address for compassionate Christians who are reaching out to serve poor Jewish souls.

“I will bless those who bless thee...” (Genesis 12:3).

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee” (Psalm 122:6).

You and I are part of something that has eternal significance in the city on which the spotlight of Heaven shines. Heaven and earth met in Jerusalem and will meet again. Everything began prophetically and will end in the only city in the world in which God wrote His name. And I am thrilled to tell you that a dear friend has agreed to match your gift this month to help us reach the goal.

In other words, if you give $77,777.77, it will be doubled to $155,555.54. Or if you give $777.77, it will be doubled to $1,555.54. If you give $77.77, it will be doubled to $155.54. This is a huge answer to prayer! Please know that whatever you can give will also be doubled in Heaven in your Kingdom account.

Thus far 680 people have given $71,070. Those gifts will be matched 100% so now we have $142,140. We still need to raise $317,818.50 which will be matched to make $635,637. Please pray with me right now for supernatural favor that this need will be met.
Watch highlights from the Hanukkah party for holocaust survivors

What a joy it is to focus on things of eternal value and to live our lives in the light of eternity. In Psalm 102:16, it says, “When the Lord shall build up Zion, then shall He appear in His glory.” I just have to think that what you and I are doing in Jerusalem is building up Zion. Isaiah declared, “The Word of the Lord will go from Zion. The law will go out from Zion and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:3).

Jerusalem is the focus of much of the attention of the world right now. Just before I left to come to Israel, I was interviewed on Mike Huckabee’s program about the decision to build homes for 3,000 Jewish families in Jerusalem and the implications of that move. There is a link below where you can listen to this interview. It will give you insights and information you will not receive from the liberal media.

Bible prophecy will be fulfilled in the Jerusalem World Center as the Word of the Lord goes to all the nations of the earth. Be encouraged today. Will you cast your prophetic vote in favor of God’s purposes with your gift today?

Jerusalem is Ground Zero for spiritual warfare in our world. It is the target of the enemy, and it is vital that you and I do our part to not only pray for the peace of Jerusalem, but to speak out in support of Israel's right to her capital city. One of the most important tools for us to fight and win this battle will be the Jerusalem World Center.

This wonderful facility in the Holy City will be a lasting witness of God’s love to the Jewish people and a center of ministry and outreach to them that will truly be life changing. We have made every payment on the building so far—all praise and glory to God—but we must make the final payment of $777,777 this month. Will you be part of this great miracle with your generous gift today to make the Jerusalem World Center a reality?
When you send your gift of any amount, we will send you this 2013 Jerusalem Prayer Team calendar.        
With your gift of $30 or more, we will send you the calendar and this lovely glass block. Designed especially for members of the Jerusalem Prayer Team, it contains a three-dimensional laser-etched image of the Jerusalem World Center and comes in a beautiful velvet case. It is a wonderful reminder to pray for Israel and is perfect for your home or office.        
If you are able to send a gift of $100 or more, we will send you the calendar, the glass block, and this beautiful shofar.
Since ancient times, this trumpet has called God’s people to prayer, worship and battle, and it will be a constant reminder of your work to defend Israel in this crisis hour.        
If you are able to give $1,000 or more, we will send you the calendar and this “mega-pack” of 13 books, including many autographed hardback best-sellers. This set includes The Revolution, GameChanger, and The Protocols, as well as my newest title The Locket, and many more, along with this beautiful Jerusalem Prayer Team Prayer Shawl.
In addition, your name or the name of someone you wish to honor or remember will be added to the Wall of Righteous Gentiles—a lasting legacy and testimony of your love carved into the stone wall of the Jerusalem World Center.
Everyone who enters the building will see your name and give thanks for your generosity and love. God says, “See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me” (Isaiah 49:16).        
Today I’m asking you to stand up and be counted—to join the line of heroes down through the centuries who have done their part to deliver the Jewish people from destruction. I am asking you to make a generous, even sacrificial gift to help make the Jerusalem World Center a reality and to help the Jerusalem Prayer Team to do all we can to defend the Jewish state and the Jewish people around the world.
Barukh ha -mevarekh et ammo Yisrael ba-shalom.
Blessed be He who blesses His people with Peace.
Your ambassador to Jerusalem,
Dr. Mike Evans"

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