Monday, November 12, 2012

Jerusalem World Center- project

                                                   Helping to raise funds for  Jerusalem World Center    
Jerusalem Prayer Team 
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"The Roar of the Lion of Judah"  by Mike Evans
“As the lions roar, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem. Defending, He will deliver it. Passing over, He will preserve it” (Isaiah 31:4-5).
Each time I read this Scripture, my heart leaps with joy. That is precisely what I have been doing for almost forty years—defending Jerusalem. I have stood up to terrorists face-to-face, men such as Yasser Arafat whom I confronted at the 43rd General Assembly of the United Nations. I've stood up to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of Iran, face-to-face in New York City at the United Nations.

For thirty-three years I have been writing books in defense of Israel. I have just completed my forty-first book. We have also produced eighteen television documentaries in defense of Israel. The Corrie ten Boom Holocaust Center in Haarlem, Holland has been part of our ministry since 1987 when we purchased it and restored it. I have served as chairman of the board since that time. Thanks to the Jerusalem Prayer Team, no one has ever had to pay a dime to visit the museum since it opened to the public.

I can see the faces of thousands of precious people in Israel that we have helped—children, Holocaust survivors, and more. At this moment, there is only one bomb shelter in the nation with air-conditioning, heating, a kitchen, Internet, bathrooms, and television. It is one of the largest bomb shelters in Jerusalem, and the JPT restored it and made a community center for Holocaust survivors.

What a blessing it is to realize that God is rewarding you for what you are doing for Jerusalem: “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curses thee. And in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed” (Genesis 12:3). “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee” (Psalm 122:6).

Israel is God's dream. We are called to be part of His team. The title deed belongs to God Almighty. When God made His eternal promise to Israel, there was no United Nations, only pagan nations to challenge that dream and to challenge God and His Word. To be apathetic towards God's Divine plan and eternal purpose as a Christian means to reject the Great Commission: “ shall be a witness unto me in Jerusalem, and in Judea, and in Samaria...” (Acts 1:8). God's prophetic time clock is set on Jerusalem time. The spotlight of Heaven is still on Jerusalem. It all began there, and it will all end there.

Jerusalem is the only city for which God commands us to pray and commands a blessing on those who do. The Jerusalem Prayer Team is the largest intercessory movement in the world for the Jewish people and the city of Jerusalem. It is our Divine commission to bless the Jewish people.

Jesus said, “...truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine [The Jews], you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). I can hear the Lion of the Tribe of Judah roaring.

May the powers of hell hear the roar of God's people today—you—declaring that the “people who do know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits” (Daniel 11:32). We will defend, deliver, and preserve Jerusalem. All roads lead to Jerusalem, and according to Isaiah 14, Satan has launched the greatest battle on earth from the Holy City.

The destiny of America and the world is linked to Jerusalem. It is the epicenter of spiritual warfare and affects the entire world. If our Lord and Savior reached out in compassion to Israel and made Jerusalem His highest priority, do we dare not make it ours?

There is a direct correlation between the power that Heaven promises and our obedience to the Great Commission. The fifth verse of Isaiah 31 declares, “Like birds hovering overhead, the Almighty will shield Jerusalem.” I've seen birds flying like a mighty shield over the city of Jerusalem. The scripture says, “He will shield it and deliver it. He will pass over it, and He will rescue it.”

You are the hands of the Lord, and you are His voice, preserving Jerusalem. Let the Lion of the Tribe of Jerusalem roar loudly through you today.
As we continue to pray daily and fervently for the safety and protection of Israel and the Jewish people, we must do so in faith. It is wonderful to know that no matter how difficult circumstances may be today—politically, socially, physically, emotionally, economically—our God reigns. Our future is bright. I’ve never been more aware of that than today, as we are approaching the next payment on the Jerusalem World Center. You and I will soon be the owners of the largest property in Israel that is privately-owned by a US-based Bible-believing ministry!

This five-story building is not even 500 yards from the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. In days to come, it will be the intercessory center for millions of Christians who will come from every nation on earth to pray 24 hours a day. It will also be home to the first Christian museum in the nation of Israel to tell the story of Christian love, and so much more.

You and I are part of something that has eternal significance in the city on which the spotlight of heaven shines. Everything began prophetically and will end in the only city in the world in which God wrote His name.

What a joy it is to focus on things of eternal value and to live our lives in the light of eternity. In Psalm 102:16, it says, “When the Lord shall build up Zion, then shall He appear in His glory.” I just have to think that what you and I are doing in Jerusalem is building up Zion. Isaiah declared, “The Word of the Lord will go from Zion. The law will go out from Zion and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:3).

That prophecy will be fulfilled in the Jerusalem World Center as the Word of the Lord goes to all the nations of the earth. Be encouraged today. Will you cast your prophetic vote in favor of God’s purposes with your gift today?
Jerusalem is Ground Zero for spiritual warfare in our world. It is the target of the enemy, and it is vital that you and I do our part to not only pray for the peace of Jerusalem, but to speak out in support of Israel's right to her capital city. One of the most important tools for us to fight and win this battle will be the Jerusalem World Center.

This wonderful facility in the Holy City will be a lasting witness of God’s love to the Jewish people and a center of ministry and outreach to them that will truly be life changing. We have made every payment on the building so far—all praise and glory to God—but we must make another payment of $777,777 this month. Will you be part of this great miracle with your generous gift today to make the Jerusalem World Center a reality?

"A dear friend has stepped forward to match your gift in November. In other words, if you give $77,777.77, it will be doubled to $155,555.54. Or if you give $777.77, it will be doubled to $1,555.54. If you give $77.77, it will be doubled to $155.54. This is a huge answer to prayer! Please know that whatever you can give will also be doubled in Heaven in your Kingdom account.

Thus far 230 people have given $17,200. Those gifts will be matched 100% so now we have $34,400. We still need to raise $371,688.50 which will be matched to make $743,377. We have 21 days left. Please pray with me right now for supernatural favor that this need will be met.
When you send your gift of any amount to help us with this need, we will send you this set of “Comfort Ye My People” note cards. They are a great way for you to share your love of God’s Chosen People with others.        
If you are able to send a gift of $30 or more, we will send you the note cards and a copy of my newly-revised and updated book Living Fear Free. In these days of constant threats and troubles, God wants His children to live in perfect peace—and I want to show you how you can know that peace without fear.       
With your gift of $100 or more, we will send you the note cards and this beautiful set of six Scripture placemats. Perfect for framing or for your table, these colorful scenes will be a great reminder to you to continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
If you are able to give $1,000 or more, we will send you the note cards, and your name or the name of someone you wish to honor or remember will be added to the Wall of Righteous Gentiles—a lasting legacy and testimony of your love carved into the stone wall of the Jerusalem World Center.
Everyone who enters the building will see your name and give thanks for your generosity and love. God says, “See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me” (Isaiah 49:16).

 Today I’m asking you to stand up and be counted—to join the line of heroes down through the centuries who have done their part to deliver the Jewish people from destruction. I am asking you to make a generous, even sacrificial gift to help make the Jerusalem World Center a reality and help the Jerusalem Prayer Team to do all we can to defend the Jewish state and the Jewish people around the world.

Barukh ha -mevarekh et ammo Yisrael ba-shalom
Blessed be He who blesses His people with Peace.
Your ambassador to Jerusalem,
Dr. Mike Evans " 

If you want to help support this project of Jerusalem World Center Donate online

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